
#HackTheHub Launches Fintech Autumn Hackathon Press Release

UK & Ireland’s No.1 Hackathon #HackTheHub is back in Belfast in October 2022

#HackTheHub Autumn Hackathon Press Release – Wed 5 October 2022

The UK and Ireland’s no.1 Hackathon is back in Belfast and ready to host some of the greatest minds working in Northern Ireland’s thriving Fintech industry.

#HackTheHub Autumn Hackathon is being held in response to the Money 20/20 conference, which is described as the “heartbeat of Fintech”, to address issues in the FinTech sector.

The conference has become the inspiration behind the challenges set for this year’s hackathon exploring topics such as trust, identity and using data to predict credit risk.

This year’s event will be held on October 15 2022 at Lanyon Quay, 1 Donegal Quay and is headlined by Datactics, a trusted partner to clients within Financial Services that have a need to improve the quality of their data.

#HackTheHub aims to unite the community after the isolation of the last few years, bringing together seasoned developers and students to foster an environment where everyone is challenged yet learning.

#HackTheHub’s mission is to inform people about the newest developments in the fintech industry while also providing challenging solutions for any level of experience and is a fun and exciting event for anyone interested in advancing their career in Fintech, developing their skills and networking with industry experts and talented young minds.

Conor Graham, founder at #HackTheHub and Director at Nigma, a technical training provider said:

“We are incredibly excited to be hosting another #HackTheHub event on October 15, bringing together some of the best minds in the industry for an exciting and innovative day. Financial technology, or “fintech” is a term used to describe the convergence of finance and technology. Right now, it’s one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world, but it can be hard to keep up with all of the changes.

“Money 20/20 was a big inspiration for this year’s #HackTheHub Fintech Hackathon as it was clear that there were a number of challenges being faced in areas such as open banking, trust and payments. So working with some of the leading fintech players in the ecosystem, we have set the teams a challenge focused around this.

“We would like to thank our sponsors Datactics, Synechron, Confluent, Lightspeed, Open Data Belfast and Barclays, for their support.”

Conor Graham – Hackthehub Director

This #HackTheHub event will be focusing on AI, data and ML and will be hosted by headline sponsor, Datactics, the leading data quality and matching specialists.

Fiona Browne, Head of Software Development and ML at headline sponsor Datactics added: “Datactics are thrilled to be the Headline Sponsor for the Fintech #HackTheHub. Through supporting the previous #HackTheHub on Data and AI we were impressed with the collaborative community, ideas, and sheer talent right here in NI.

“Collaboration, ground-breaking innovation, ambition, and great service is core to Datactics as it is to #HackTheHub where we tackle complex challenges around data in the Fintech sector. This coupled with a community event is why we continue to sponsor and support #HackTheHub.

“As a company in scale phase, we are moving quickly and #HackTheHub offers the perfect opportunity for us to network and engage with great technologists, designers across multi-disciplines. We value innovative ideas, clear objectives, community, and collaboration and are looking forward to seeing how the teams rise to the Fintech challenge at this Hackathon.”

Fiona Browne, Head of Software Development and ML @ Datactics

Other partners rallying behind this initiative include US-based streaming platform Confluent, New York-based information technology and consulting company Synechron, payment processing provider Lightspeed, Insurtech Firm Open Data Belfast, Barclays, FintechNI the independent voice of Fintech in Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Developer Conference.

Speaking to one of the winner’s(pictured) from their previous hackathon at Slice, Jillian Keenan, a local software engineer said:

“The most significant benefit of attending was the connections I made on the day. A lot of the people I met are people that I’m still in contact with and meet up with at other events. It also allowed me to reconnect with some people that I hadn’t seen for a great deal of time due to the pandemic, which was special for me. “

Jillian Keenan, Software ENgineer & Previous Hackathon Winner

During this jam-packed day, there will be lots of prizes to be won as well as awards for the teams who have the best pitches of their ideas and products.

Those attending without a team will be linked up with others who have complimentary skills and experience levels will be distributed to allow students and experts to work together.

This event is currently sold out but you can join the waiting list at To see what #HackTheHub is all about, watch our information video here.

L-R: Fiona Browne – Head of Software Development & ML @ Datactics, Conor Graham – Director @ HackTheHub, Jillian Keenan – Software Engineer, Matt Flenley – Head of Marketing @ Datactics, Clare Guinness – Innovation District Director @ Innovation City