
How to add a #HackTheHub Hackathon To LinkedIn

There is no doubt that LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms out there. It has over 500 million users, and it’s a great way to network and find new job opportunities especially if you just joined a hackathon. However, if you want to stand out and get the most out of LinkedIn, you need to optimize your profile.

Why add a #HackTheHub Hackathon to LinkedIn?

Increased Visibility: Adding hackathons to your LinkedIn can help increase your visibility among potential potential employers. This is especially useful if you are looking to transition into a new field or are actively searching for a job.

Showcase Skills: Hackathons are a great way to show off your technical skills, especially if you have won any awards or have been part of a successful team. This can be a great way to demonstrate your expertise and give employers a better understanding of the type of work you do.

Demonstrate Passion: Participating in #HackTheHub hackathons are a great way to show off your technical skills, especially if you’ve won any awards or have been part of a successful team. This can be a great way to demonstrate expertise and give employers a better understanding of the type of work you do.

Networking: Hackathons are a great way to meet new people and develop connections in the tech industry. These connections can be extremely valuable for finding job opportunities or getting advice about career paths.

What is The LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Process?

The LinkedIn profile optimisation process involves taking a variety of steps to make your profile look its best.  These steps include:

The step-by-step process on how to properly Optimise your LinkedIn profile.

1. First is your FULL NAME

2. Then there’s your HEADLINE

Make sure that your headline tells them WHO exactly it is that you serve and the RESULTS you can help them get.

3. Choose/select and add 3-5 skills that are relevant to your services.

4. Indicate any experience relevant to what you’re offering as a skill or service. If you don’t have any relevant experience, simply state your current position and a short description of your role and insert the link to book a call with you.

NOTE: You can also upload images of hackathon projects or testimonials from your previous clients to make your profile stand out.

5.  Add a professional-looking photo (preferably with you smiling) that doesn’t look like a passport, a driver’s license, or a 2×2 photo you’d use on a resume.

Here are some examples:

6. Add a banner using Canva (click here for image size specifications) that showcases either your lead magnet so you can build a prospect list.

Or a banner that gives your prospect clarity about the results you provide.

Note: Also check your profile on your mobile phone and see if it’s compatible.

7. In the ‘ABOUT’ section, write a description that tells your target market about WHO you serve, WHAT you do, and HOW you can help them.
Remember: It’s not about you but it’s about what you can do for them.

Make sure to list your #HackTheHub hackathon participation on your profile.

8. Write 10 LinkedIn articles. They don’t do very well when it comes to engagement, but still important to add in to improve your profile’s SEO. It shows how knowledgeable you are in your field.

By adding your participation in a hackathon to your linkedin profile, you’ll be able to improve your chances of finding a job, build stronger relationships, and better understand your skills.

Sounds like hard work but always keep in mind that your LinkedIn profile serves as your 24-hr resume to all possible recruiters out there.